Practice makes perfect, and continuous learning is essential and in the end, students will thank you when they hit the moment when everything changes.
Career Development Learning Opportunities:
1. Career Awareness experiences are those that help students build awareness of the variety of careers available and of the skills and competencies need to be successful and of the postsecondary education expected for these careers. Career Awareness experiences also broaden students’ options by helping them become aware of opportunities available across a wide range of industry sectors that they might not otherwise have known or considered. It is never too early to start expanding a student’s exposure to various occupations – as an educator making connections between learning and occupations brings meaningful context to all sorts of learning activities. Youth can participate in learning activities associated with Career Education k-9
2. Career Exploration provides students with the opportunity to explore career options in a way that contributes to motivation for learning and informs students’ decisions about further experiences and career and educational options. Compared to Career Awareness experiences, Career Exploration experiences are designed to enable students to learn about targeted careers more deeply, are more personalized to the student’s interests, and give the student a more active role in selecting and shaping the experience. Educators can consider infusing career exploration into may curricular areas to help student learning valuable research, analysis and evaluation skills. Youth can participate in learning activities associated with Career Life Education
3. Career Engagement Experiences are learning experiences that can occur both in the classroom or worksite and link student’s learning and skill development to the world of work and learning beyond high school. Career Preparation experiences support higher-level college and career readiness student outcomes, include extended interaction with professionals from industry and the community, and are designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied theory either at a college or worksite (Dual Credit, WEx). Career and Skills Training experiences prepare students for employment in a specific range of occupations. Career Training experiences in high school are most suitable for 11th- and 12th-grade students, and Career Training is a primary strategy in post-secondary education and often connects to work leading to industry certification. Youth can participate in learning activities associate with Career Life Connections and the Capstone Project.