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Hello career educators! I have created a document that sheds more light on what can sometimes feel like the murky world of “who’s responsible for what” when it comes to WEX and student coverage for workers’ compensation.
The attached WorkSafeBC update
From 80,000 hours website (yes that is how many hours one normally works over a lifetime), comes this smarl checklist to help those in career transitions reflect on their past and how to move forward.
Click here to learn more Simple Checklist
Click h
Assessment literacy is the knowledge, understanding, and application of assessment principles and practices necessary to support and empower students in their learning. Ministry of Education produced a video on assessment literacy, that may be useful
Colleagues –
The Ministry of Education is inviting feedback on the updated program guides for Ministry-Authorized Work Experience Courses (Draft, 2018) and Youth Work in Trades (Draft, 2018). The curricula have been updated and the program requirem
Hello all, I saw a class combine these two strategies together and thought it was excellent.
Start with SMART goals then move into Vision Boards based on goals students have set.
Learn to write SMART Goals video (4 m
More than $10,000 in prizes for students and schools
Hello career educators! I’m happy to announce we’ve just kicked off the 14th annual Student Safety Video Contest. A big thanks to all the teachers who have thrown their support behind this contest i
Got a nudge from fellow member Allisson Badger (SD 73) regarding what's going on around the province for Canada Career Month.
Please click share Every Day Career Development what you are doing in your district.
National Career Month Information Li
The UK's government Careers Strategy, launched in December 2017, and staturtory guidance published in January, set out a range of new requirements for schools and colleges.
There are 8 guidelines about what makes the best careers provision in school
According to many of the leading economic analysts – including the OECD, Brookfield Institute, McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), C.D. Howe, and Employment and Social Development Canada – the coming decade will see significant disruption in the way Can
Canada is facing a quiet crisis.
In the coming decade, half of all jobs will be disrupted by technology and automation. Some will change dramatically. Others will disappear completely, replaced by jobs that are yet to be invented.
We are living thr
What does it mean to listen to your gut at work? Click to Read more
13th annual WorkSafeBC Student Safety Video Contest underway
![]() What does it mean to listen to your gut at work? That's the theme WorkSafeBC wants high school students to explore in the |
If you are looking for some new resources to supplement your career exploration and planning, WorkBC has recently added teacher resources to support CLE and CLC.
The resources will help students and youth who are thinking about their future careers
Canadian Journal of Career Development is now available. Learn about The Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Quebec Career Counsellors' Practice (en français); A Second Apprenticeship: The Career Transition of Trades Teachers; The F
By Phil Jarvis, Director of Global Partnerships at Career Cruising
Student success is every educator’s highest priority, but the interpretation of success is ambiguous. With only 44% of students still fully engaged in high sc
Practice makes perfect, and continuous learning is essential and in the end, students will thank you when they hit the moment when everything changes.
Career Development Learning Opportunities:
1. Career Awareness experiences are those that he
Career pathways can follow a straight path—graduate from high school, go to post-econdary, get a job, retire and travel. More often than not however, the ideal straight line is only an illusion. In reality, the majority of people experience a career
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